CSS selectors
Most common selectors
Selector | Description | Comment |
* | Any element (universal selector). | |
#elementID | Any element with id="elementID" . | A page should only have one element with a given id . |
.enementClass | Any element with class="elementClass" . | An element can have multiple classes separated by space. |
div | Any <div> . | |
div#divID.divClass | Any <div> with id="id" and class="divClass" . |
Selector | Description |
div, p | any <div> and any <p> |
div p | any <p> inside a <div> (does not have to be a direct child) |
div > p | any <p> which is a direct child of a <div> |
div + p | any <p> immediately after a <div> |
Selector | Description |
a:link | unvisited link |
a:visited | visited link |
Hover and click
Selector | Description |
.button:active | any element with class="button" which is currently being clicked |
.button:hover | any element with class="button" which has the cursor hovering above it |
Further reading
- CSS selectors
- w3school
- CSS Selector Reference